Starting off the month Rossi wearing ovenmits as shoes.
Another dog but she went back to many issues that I could not handle. She was a darling dog. Just had no control of her bladder. The day after I took her back Annie started crawling.
Brooklyn was her name she was a Rot in a bulldogs body.
Annie just being dang cute in her Daddy's arms.
Rossi helping himself to the applesauce.
Look at how many spoons got dropped in there.
Annie's cute winter gear that my mom got her. She is such a doll.
Christmas with my siblings. My mom out did herself again!!!
My nephew, Colt with Annie. He loves babies and they love him.
Rossi could not wait to dig in.
My nieces with Annie, Bri, Kyra, and Josie.
Opening presents.
Annie was happy to just lay in the paper and chew on the bath toy she got.
Rossi got a cool sleeping bag to go with his bed tent.
The Shisler family party. This is Annie pulling Aunt Karen's hair.
My Nieces again.
Rossi with my Dad.
In the bed tent.
Christmas Eve PJ's
Look at what Santa Brought
Annie enjoying her Brother's cars.
My Oh SO COOL sweater that my husband bought me as a gag. However he lost the receipt so Now I am stuck with this ugly sweater. All I need now is a festive turtle neck to go with it.