Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Its been awhile

This is Easter Sunday, Annie is wearing one of my bonnets from when I was little, I loved this picture.

Okay so I have missed you all in the blogging world but my time has been really busy. I have found a new interest that is keeping me busy besides my own children and the ones that I watch. That interest is reading I know that is surprising but I have found that I enjoying reading from an author that has been dead for almost 200 hundred years. In the past month I have read 3 of Jane Austen's novels and I am now working on the forth. I am a little slower since my childcare has picked up. But that is okay with me too, since it is getting us that closer to being out of debt. Anyway, the past two months have been a blast. Rossi is turning into such a big helper and growing more independent by the day, he now makes his own jelly sandwich's, and Annie is as busy as an eleventh month old can be. I know it is hard to believe but I think she is busier than Rossi. One cute thing is how she keeps up with the big boys. One blessing they are great with her. Anyway, I put some pictures of the most recent events and for some reason I am have some problems with the format so I am sorry for that.

Easter egg hunt at my sisters house and my nephew helping Annie.
All the little ones getting ready to go!
The only Easter picture I got of the two.
Annie is now helping with the laundry. By the way Rossi is now helping with the loading of the washer he is so big at helping me.
I loved this one because she is standing on her tiptoes and look at those legs.
This was my girls night that I had, I was in desperate need of some girl time. It was nice to have them all over for a sundae bar. I also loved having Rachel and Jen over because it game me a better chance to get to know them. The whole day I was a little sad because I kept kicking myself for not doing this when Katie was still here. I knew she would have loved something like this. Maybe I could crop and paste her in the picture but it wouldn't be the same.
The Sundae spread everyone brought an item.
We did our Easter baskets on Saturday because Ross had to work on Easter day and I was going to Dayton.
Rossi was such a kind big brother he made sure Annie had plenty of eggs of her own.

The best part of Easter was the FHE we had the week before when we taught Rossi about the Resurrection. I got two rocks one being the tomb and one being the rock rolled in front of it, he had fun rolling the rock across the living room. The best part of the night is when he told his daddy the story. I think it was a success. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and you are all enjoying your spring.


everyday katie said...

FINALLY! You look so skinny. I wish I could have been there for girls night. Annie looks so old. When I only see pictures every month or two, she changes a lot. Cute as ever.

Sara Emily said...

How fun! :) My Joey has that same crazy monkey shirt that Rossi is wearing - so fitting, isn't it? I love the easter bonnet on annie!!

Amanda B. said...

Such adorable easter pictures!!! I think I needed the girls night as much as you did. It was awesome! :)

Unknown said...

cute pictures!

Kelly said...

Super cute pics, Abbey! So glad you updated- I have missed you !!