Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kids do the darndest things

Caution: The first picture is a little gross!!! But hey Rossi cracked his first egg. I was in the living room and he came running and told me to come and see what he did. I came in to the kitchen and couldn't believe my eyes he was mixing everything in our frig. I asked him "is that an egg?" He said "Yes" I then asked "Where's the shell?" His response "In the trash" I was blown away he managed to crack an egg and not get any shell in his mixture. His recipe in case anyone wants to know: Corn starch, baking soda, water, cinnamon swirl cereal, grapes, chips, egg, BBQ sauce and Tabasco sauce.

Wearing my shin guards now that I am playing or should I say almost dieing on the field.

This was a fun activity corn starch and water. He added his cars which was a perfect representation of the snow outside.

Okay, so Annie has turned into a little giggle box. She is laughing and smiling from sun up to sun down. Here she is cracking up at her daddy. She has started clapping her hands now too.

Here Rossi Built a helicopter, I was pretty impressed. I helped a little with the top but he did the base all by himself.

I had to keep Annie on the other side because she likes to get into her brother things.


Amanda B. said...

Looks like you have a future chef on your hands! Thanks for the recipe! ;)
LOVE the curls!! He is so adorable!

Autumn said...

I think its great that you let your kids make such creations! I love the curls pix!!