Sunday, February 3, 2008

Couples Tag

Thanks Kelly

How long have you and your significant other been together?

We met in the Spring of 2001 at a his roomates BBQ. Keep in mind I was pretty new to the church so seeing a guy with piercings really set me back. Yes, when I met Ross for the first time he was wearing a Korn or Tool shirt with his ears and tongue pierced. He was not very active at the time, that is probably why the timing for us wasnt just right. We met again at one of those awesome Columbus Single Dances in the Winter of 2002. By that time Ross was clean cut and back on track. My gosh did I think he was so cute. Me being very forward I asked him to dance. He told me later on that he was so impressed that I remembered who he was. He never asked for my phone number but I was so surprised when he hunted it down from one of our mutel friends Gema. He called me and asked me if I was doing anything and he came a down from Columbus to spend the evening with me. I remember I was so excited because we watched a movie and he held my hand. I was so sad when three days passed and he never called. I was sure he didnt like me but he said no his job keeps him really busy. Isnt that the truth.

Who eats more?
Me by far. When we were first dating I couldn't believe how slow he ate and a doggy bag what's that for? Come to find out it is his whole family except his dad. They are defineltly portion control people. Look at his figure compared to mine. That will explain it all.

Who said I love you first?
He did in the most unique way. I was making lunch for the both of us and I was saying how much I love BBQ sauce on my hamburgers and he said " The way I love you." At first I was unsure of what he meant but he said it again later with me saying it back.

Who is taller?
He is. We just fit perfect he is 5'10 tall while I am 5'6 and shrinkning.

Who is smarter?
Him by far. I have always had to try for my grades in school while he just shows up and get A's and B's. He wins on street smarts and book smarts. His entire family is full of a bunch of brainy people. My family got the hard working and the ahtletic jeans. Our children should be a pretty good mix.

Who wears the pants in the family?
I would have to say it is pretty equal. It just depends on the situation.

Who does the laundry?
Me I prefer it that way.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
When we are both in at the same time Ross does. But since we have different sleeping schedules we both get the middle.

Who pays the bills?
Ross does. He does it all online I would be so lost if I had to do it. I did pay my Kohls before he set that up online.

Who drives when you are together?
I do. Since Ross had is implant he cant drive when it is on so I drive it is just easier when I do.

Who is more stubborn?
It depends on who you ask. I would say Ross and he would say me because of my stubborn German ways.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
I am always the first to apologize but to admit I am wrong I dont think that ever happens.

Whose parents do you see the most?
Mine since they are only an hour away. I think if Ross' parents lived closer it would be equal becuase I think it is important for grandchildren to know their grandparents.

Who kissed who first?
Me of course. I would have waited for Ross to come along I would still be waiting. His not to aggressive and me well I am. I couldnt wait to kiss him so I did it on our second date.

Who proposed?
He did of course. One day we were just talking and he asked if we were to get married what kind of ring would you want. I thought a big diamond of course. He then told me the story of minning saphhires with his grandparents when he was little and he really wanted to use them. I said that is okay how about we include them in our wedding bands. So, I went ring shopping with him and he told me I could pick whatever diamond I wanted. I could have picked a one Karat but I didnt want to be showy so i picked a smaller karat size. Anyway, he actually proposed when I went to Maryland with him to be with his parents for the holidays. I knew it was coming I just didnt know when. I had a pretty good idea when we were walking around the DC Temple and I tripped on him while taking pictures of the temple. He was down on one knee ready to ask me to be his wife. I said yes. The best part is I made him reinact it. He was so mad but he did it. I wanted pictures. As we were reinacting a group of missionaries walked by. What a memory.

Who is more sesitive?
Me and sometimes him. It just depends on the situation. But me being a mom I can definelty shed some tears.

Who has more friends?
Me. Ross' only friend just moved to Texas. That would be Spencer. Katie and I use to pick on them when they would get ready for their dates. I remember one time they were going to the car show and they were both worried about what the other was going to wear. That cracked me up. Honestly Ross is just content having his family while I thrive for my outside friendships.


Kelly said...

I completely enjoyed reading your couple's tag! You are so fun and I love that we are friends- your stories are too funny and I love the Ross with piercings part!! He is a cutie!

everyday katie said...

LOVED IT!! this was so Abbey. I just kept laughing out loud because I could just hear you telling these stories. I didn't know all of this about you guys.

Autumn said...

How fun to read! I love it all. Its so fun to know the details on couple.s