Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Week of no Rest

Well this week kept me pretty busy with all the little ones I babysit. The one little boy I watch is now showing his true colors. His mom says he must just be comfortable now. Great!!! I had him for two days and he would not listen to me for anything. Keep in mind I am pretty easy going especially when it comes to little ones. I dont ask for much except eat your lunch and take a nap. Yeap, while in my care I could not get him to eat anything. That is one of my pet peeves. I tried everything until I gave up. Then came nap time. He laid queitly long enough to let me take a well deserved shower. Then the battle began. He sleeps in the office on a futon. I dont know how many times I told him to stay on the futon. One time he was into all of our paper work and the next he had big Ross' entire book collection all over the futon. He used to be so good and now he wont listen to me. Any help? The next little one I watch pretty much cries the entire time while I have her in my care. If I am not holding her all is lost. I am sorry to say that I have a lot to do in the day and I just cant hold her all the time. When she is screaming and she sees me walking towards her she will calm down but when she soon realizes that I am not going to pick her up, she screams louder. To top it off on Friday I was looking forward to a long awaited date with my husband and she was picked up an hour later than expected. So that ended my plans of a date with my husband. The plan for the date was to drive to Dayton so little Ross could spend time with my parents while we went to a movie. But by the time the little one was picked up that plan was shot. To top it off I talked to little Ross all day about seeing his Boogboog and Mammaw. He was so excited so I didnt want to squish his little dreams. So, I loaded him and my very sleepy husband into the van and off to Dayton I went. Keep in mind when I say sleepy husband it is because he worked the night before and he was trying to stay awake for our date. But since the little one was picked up so late he couldnt stay awake and he eventually passed out. I rolled him off the chair and had him walk to the van. Yeah I wanted to go to Dayton so bad I even put his shoes on him while he was sleeping. It ended up okay little Ross got what he wanted and I guess in the big scheme of things that is all that matters. It was so enjoyable just to watch him with his cousins. At least I had an ejoyable Saturday, my sister and I pulled together a surprise anniversary for my mom. My dad was in on it too. She was so surprised and that was exciting. After, 30 years my dad got it right. It was a nice party but hey I always love reasons to get together with my family. By the end of the day I was feeling pretty sick and drained. That is why I didnt go to church today. I think this pregnancy is finally getting the best of me. I am completely exausted. There is always the BYU channel ,it is good for devotionals. Lets just hope this next week is a little less stressful.


Kelly said...

We missed you today, Abbey!! You missed a huge fire drill in the end of Sunday school too- people were scattering like flies- it was funny! Some kid must've pulled it, but it kept going off for a good 15 minutes, off and on!! SO funny! But some of the primary kids were scared, and that was sad, but no there was not a real fire, thank goodness- I had to teach, and I could've missed one , but no luck!! Talk to ya soon!

Autumn said...

How did I miss it that you're babysitting another boy now? Geesh. That's too bad about the eating. Ah. I think your rules are pretty easy too! Eat. Sleep. Not asking too much! That's great you get to watch byu devos.

everyday katie said...

I hear you about the no rest...although mine just comes from my own crazies. I can't imagine taking on anyone else's. My boys have been sick. Reid's been running a high temp for three days now. Last night I got up with him 7 times between 2:00am and 6:00am. Lousy night.

Amanda B. said...

Hi! Hang in there with the little boy- he is probably just testing you. Just continue to be firm with him and he will see you mean it eventually. Also- if he is young (I don't know how old he is) you could confine him to a pack n play during naps. Otherwise- just stay firm! You are awesome and sounds like you do great with them!

Ams said...

I know it's a little rough right now but it will get better. 14 weeks to go!! Thanks for stopping by Saturday, the kids really loved their stuff. The baton was a big hit! Love Ya!!

Home Management Group said...

Hang in there, Chica!!!!!