Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fun times at the Zoo

My Friend Amber came up from Dayton so we could go to the zoo, lets just say it was a zoo. It was a task with so many little ones with different needs. It was a fun and tiring day. Little Ross really had a great time with her older son Payton, as you can tell in the pictures. Annie pretty much slept the whole day. She woke up for the train ride and that was about it.


Amanda B. said...

what a fun day! :) I love going to the zoo- though it is very exhausting for the parents, I have found- between watching kids, feeding kids, changing kids, etc. I was recently telling Aaron how fun I think it would be for him and I to go to the zoo alone sometime, just the two of us- as a date! :) Glad you had fun! I always do- I am just always ready for a nap when I get home!

Camille said...

I want to go to the zoo!!!!