Friday, June 20, 2008

The Greatest Generation

Today we got a phone call that no grandchild ever wants to receive, that is the telling of a passed grandparent. We knew that Ross' Grandpa Harvey was not doing well but we were holding on to the hopes that he would pull through. We were so sadden by this phone call, even though I only had the chance to meet grandpa Harvey at our wedding I could tell that he meant a lot to Ross. What Grandpa isn't? He was one of the nicest most genuine man I have ever met. I only wished that I could have got to see him more. He seemed to be your typical western man, wearing his cowboy hat and all. A couple years ago he wrote a memoir for his family to read about his childhood. You could tell by his upbringing he was a very humble man. He never mentioned but once that he was a WWII vet, I am sure he could have went on about that. The only thing he said about it was after he returned home from the war and he married his beautiful wife Eva. He definitely was a fine man and we are sadden by his lose and to the fact that little Ross and Annie never got the chance to met their GREAT Grandpa Harvey. He will be missed.

This is Ross and his Grandpa Harvey. It is one of my most favorite pictures.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I am so sorry about his grandfather's passing...our thoughts and prayers are with you- and I too, love the pic of him and Ross- it is precious!