Saturday, July 19, 2008

Picture This

So today I had the bright idea of taking my three little ones on a walk. My Friend Amber gave little Ross one of those orange Fisher Price cars, so he decided that he wanted to drive it, bad idea number one. Then I thought I will bring Baxter, he needs practice on a leash, bad idea number two. The only good idea was Annie in the stroller. So we start off down the street and Little Ross is Flinstone it as well as he can. Honestly, it took twenty minutes to get pass four houses. I should have turned around at this point but no I was determined to get in a walk. So we chug along with Baxter pulling in every direction. He then decides to take a number two, crap I forgot a bag. So I am trying to drag him so he would not go in someones yard, nope it was in someones driveway. I felt so bad, but at this time Ross is screaming because he doesn't want to push is car. Did I mention, since he was free to move about he had to stop and pick up every stick. So, we got to the end of our street and only had three more to go until we got back home. Lets just say there were many times when I was tempted to ditch the car and keep going. I even tried to wrap Baxter's leash around it so he could drag it, that didn't work because it just kept hitting me in the legs. I even encouraged Ross to push the stroller so I could push the car, that didn't last long either. However, when we got to the third street, the lady that lives behind us was out cleaning her porch, I asked her if I could throw the car over the fence into our yard because there was no way I could go anymore with this car in tow. She was nice enough to throw it over for me. So the third street was a breeze after that. Little Ross was anxious to get home so I kept promising him a flavor ice. So, he started to run and before I knew it he fell and scratched his knees. We made it home, with one scratched knee, two sweaty bodies, and minus one car. Just a side note Annie slept the entire time.


everyday katie said...

I am laughing my head off as I picture this whole thing play out. I could have told you it was a bad idea. I take no dog and only one thing with wheels...namely a stroller or a wagon...never bikes or cars. You're so nice to even try.

Kelly said...

I am still laughing, Abbey- you are too much!! That is hilarious and I just give you props for trying to get through something that normally wouldn't seem like a big deal, but actually is!! You are so funny!! Glad all is well, and the "big" angel slept so well!! She is just precious!

Moms Are Contagious said...

I am laughing my head off because I can actually picture all of this happening-YOU ARE SO BRAVE!!!!
I guess the blessing was Annie sleeping...

Lindsay Edward said...
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Lindsay Edward said...

I LOVE it. hahaha I could picture the whole thing and wish I could have been there. I love how any task is a piece of cake until you add kids to the equation. And leave it to Annie to sleep through it all. I miss your fabulous chaos. Love ya!

Emilee said...

how cute, abbey!