Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wearing my High Heels

One day little Ross will be so thankful when I pull these out for his future wife to see.


Amanda B. said...

Love the pics of Ross in the heels- soooo funny and cute! :) I notice that Annie has the same big wide eyes that Meghan had when she was real little. Meghan has mostly grown into them though and I kind of miss those big eyes. Your kids are beautiful! :)

Kelly said...

That is so cute- Alex used to do that too, and I have pics to prove it to him when he is older!! Ha ha!

Lindsay Edward said...

These are so great. I used to do that ALL the time with my mom's shoes. The last 3 are especially scandalous, sans t-shirt. Ross will most likely hate you for these when he's older, and his future wife will love you for it.

Emilee said...

he is just so adorable!