Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Its been awhile

On this day I decided to let the boys play in the leaves. However, we do not have any trees that lose a lot of leaves. So, I decided that I would do a service project and do my neighbors. However, I think she probably thought I was crazy. I just started to rake her leaves, hind sight, I probably should have asked first. Anyway, the boys had a blast and I got a chance to meet my neighbor across the street. By the way she was okay with it.

Little Ross being a dog, again. We had to put his water and cereal in a dish .

Yeah, Annie fond her toes!!!

This is fun stuff that Rossi got from Ben's Birthday party.

This picture cracks me up. I told Ross to keep the Red Eyes because that is what makes the picture.

1 comment:

Moms Are Contagious said...

lol, I think Ross celebrated Halloween early!