Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day

So yeah today was Valentines Day and both of my Ross' got into it this year. Last night little Ross and I enjoyed making big Ross his tradtional over sized chocolate cookie with homemade icing. Little Ross helped me mix all the ingredents for the cookie while snagging a few chocolate chips along the way. I also had to watch and make sure he didnt add any extra flavoring if you know what I mean. He also enjoyed sifting the powder sugar for the icing and every time I tried to help him he would say "No Momma No." I had powder sugar all over the kitchen but he had a good time. The thing he was most excited for were the sprinkles. He had a blast dumping those sprinkles in the same spot. After, we got done he couldnt wait to wake Dadda up to show him. He ran back to the room and told big Ross to "Get down" That his is way of saying get out of bed. He told his Dadda all about the cookie and he could not wait to show him. Come to find out he was actually just excited to dip his finger in the icing and to get going on the cookie. Because by the time Ross and I got down the hall he was already digging in. They really enjoyed that cookie. Since, I did Ross' cookie last night he gave me my present last night too. He gave me my card which was beautiful and out fell an Idaho quarter that I have been searching for, for at least two months. I would go to the bank. grocery and even the post office asking them to got through their quarters because I desperatly needed it. No such luck. So, my awesome husband managed to hunt one down for me. How sweet was that? Now I am up to date on my quarters. It is hard to think that I have been collecting those quarters since I was 19 years old. I am a dork what can I say. He also paid off my Best Buy card so now I officially own my stove. I think he wanted to do something really special but getting one more bill paid off just gets us closer to being out of debt. Yeah!!! So, Anyway we pretty much did all our Valentines Day stuff a day early but oh well it was still fun. Little Ross enjoyed tell his grandparents Happy Valentines Day over the phone. That his a mouth full but he got it all out.

PS My spell check is not working so I apologize in advance for my bad spelling.


Kelly said...

You have such sweet boys!! I loved your holiday story!

everyday katie said...

Sometimes paying off debt CAN be romantic. Actually that's a great gift. And I love that he thought of the quarter. I never knew you collected. I would have kept my eyes out for one.

Autumn said...

I too have been having problems with my spell check! How sweet that he found your quarter! Where did he find it? I love any gift that requires thought. I think the stove is a great gift. Now its YOURS!