Sunday, February 3, 2008

The week

So, yeah I am just going to post one big blog about my week.

Monday was just turning out to be a typical Monday until I turned the TV on and started watching the news. I was reading the news that scrolls along the bottom and started to read" The Mormon Church leader, Gordon B. Hinkley passed away at age 97 last night." I was completely taken back. I thought I was reading it wrong. I had so many feelings rush through me. I was first upset as a tear rolled down my check. I was then comforted to the idea that he was with his wife again. Then it hit me that he was my first prophet and I had no idea what was coming next. Let me just say as I have grown in the Church I have grown to love him. When I first joined the Church I looked at him as the head of the church but a prophet that took some getting use to. I can now truly say that he was a Prophet and he taught such great things to me. I just loved his happy spirit and calming voice. He will be missed.

The rest of my Monday included a Primary meeting that was unforgetable. I was doing Bylle a favor be watching Jacob for the day. So, I had to take him with me. He was playing so nicely when Kim said "Abbey I think he might be poopy" We all looked over at the same time and realized Rachels living room carpet was smeared in poop while Jacob had it all over his back side. I was horrified. We had to stop the meeting and do some deep cleaning and I had to give this kid a bath. Note to parents Pull ups dont hold anything!! What a joy. I can say I definelty earned my money that day.

I also got to take little Ross to the doctor. Let me just say I have no idea where this boy comes from. When I take him out in public he so well mannered. He did everything the nurse and doctor asked of him. The nurse even commented on how well mannered he was. I thought to myself you should see him at home. That is okay I will take all his temper tantrums at home with a smile.

Nothing Big

I got to get out of the house and do the chorus babysitting. I love it this time around it was me with three little boys including Ross. It is just a nice way to get out of the house. Little Ross enjoyed playing with Ben. Ben would chase him and tackel him. That is right up Little Ross' ally. After that I got to go run around with Bylle and Jacob the boy she babysits. Hey no poopy accidents this day. Did I ever mention that I think I should get Mom of the Year. Because we took them to McDonalds and I got me kid the kiddie cone for lunch with a warm temp of 16 degrees outside. I thought he would enjoy it and he did. I tried to give him some chicken nuggets but that cone must have been hitting the spot.

This is the day were I have come to the conclusion that I should tittle my life with whats next? Big Ross came home from work and said honey do you know how cold it is in here? I thought well no because I am under five blankets including a down. He said "It is 61 degrees in here. Awesome I thought our furnace is going out. To top it off my little boy that I babysit is on his way. I was already planning on taking both of the boys Visiting Teaching with me but to the Home Depot to get space heaters that would be a challange. So, I menttioned to Big Ross about calling Bylle to come over so I could go by myself. He said, " You just cant take them both?" I said " Two two year olds to the Home Depot" He was being serious. So me being a super human pregnant women managed to drag two two year olds into the Home Depot and get a killer deal on space heaters. The thing that won the boys over was the cool shopping cart where they could both sit togehter and eat pretzels. Besides that my Thursday ran pretty smooth. The boys slept long enough to let me bake cookies for the Primary Board Meeting that night. So my next big adventure was going to the board meeting. It was your typical church meeting but hey I wasnt complaining I was able to get out of the house by myself. When I was driving home Ross called and said are you almost home. I said "Yes." He said " Good because little Ross was riding Bo and he got bucked off and craked his head opened." I was horrified. I said"does he need to go to the hopsital?" Ross said " No, I got it taken care of" When I got home and saw it, it was one and half inch scrap on top of his head. I was thinking it was going to be a lot worse then it really was. I guess little Ross wont be riding Bo anymore. Bo is one of our dogs that is the size of a small horse. I really think little Ross thinks he is a horse.

Today was the day of nesting and waiting to go to Dayton. I cleaned my entire house including laundry. I made the mistake of telling Little Ross we were going to Dayton. So all day he just talked about his Boogy (my dad), Mommaw ( my mom). Lolo ( my sister Lora), Molty ( my nephew Colt), Layne ( my niece) and Yosie ( my niece Josie) He could not wait I kept saying after Daddy wakes up and we have dinner and you have a bath we will go. I tell you what I dont think he ever ate and took a bath so fast in my life. He was ready to go. I was hoping that he would have slept on the way there. Just so he could have had a rest before he got going again, no such luck. He played with his cousins until 11:00 that is the time I was given to have him in bed. He probably could have went all night but he had to go to sleep sometime. That night I got up sick in the night. It was the weirdest bug I have ever had. My dad said it was the bag of Cheetoes I ate along with the two dishes of ice cream I had. I was not feeling to hot so I did nothing on Saturday.

Little Ross played with his cousins. He had funny acting like a monkey and Frog with them. The best part was he got to wrestle with them. I just love the fact that my family lives so close so little Ross can have those memories. Ross' sister Amy lives in Dayton too. So we are lucky enough that little Ross can know both sides of his family. We were suppose to go there too but I thought I would spare them my bug.

Anyway, that was my very eventful week.


Kelly said...

Wow- quite a week you had- thanks for sharing- I loved it!

everyday katie said...

We left a really nice space heater behind. I wish I would have known you needed it. We just left it in our house. Beth and Dennis said to leave anything and they would find someone who needed it. What a week. Always drama.