Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday LOGAN JAMES

Sweet Baby Logan came into the world only weighing 1lb 2oz. He was the third triplet born to my cousin Lindsey. Jacob Allen and Katie Maye were is older siblings. Jacob lived for only an hour after he was born and Katie lived for three hours. They were to little to be helped. This was a moment in my life that I don't think I ever cried so much in my life. We got to hold them and love them for the very short period of their lives. They were a true blessing from Heaven. They will never be forgotten.

Logan had a long and trying journey ahead of him. He fought many near death situations. There was even a time when they called in the family to say their goodbyes to him. This was a week after he was born and I will never forget the feeling that came over me when, I was comforted by the Spirit and I was told that he was going to be all right. Thank Heavens for the doctor that came to his rescue and said lets try this drug to see if it works. Well it worked. Logan still had many trials ahead of him and he beat them all.

Logan you truly are a miracle and you are so loved. You are a testimony of prayer!! Happy Birthday my sweet little 2nd cousin.

The day after he was born

This is his daddy, Kenton.
This is his mommy, Lindsey.
Look at him now. He now weighs 17 lbs.

Lindsey bought this sailor outfit when she found out she was pregnant. I love this picture.
His first day at the beach.
I just love is happy face.


everyday katie said...

I can't believe it's been a year. What a trooper...what a miracle...what a blessing!

Kelly said...

What a sweetie, such a fighter!! I remember when this happened- it's been a year? wow! He is darling, Happy 1st Birthday!!

Suzanne said...

What a miracle baby and a blessing. I love the sailor outfits. Precious!

Moms Are Contagious said...

Happy Birthday Logan! I am so glad you survived to bless your family! What a sweet little guy!

Amanda B. said...

Wow!! I can't imagine the tremendous pain at their loss and yet the huge joy of their little survivor. That is incredible- a true miracle. Happy Birthday, little one!

Emilee said...

what a blessing and miracle he must be. p.s. i just love the sailor outfits, totally cute.