Thursday, August 7, 2008

How Cheap Are You?

Okay, so yesterday I got to practice how cheap I was. We ventured out to the zoo with the new little boy I am watching and afterwards big Ross was starving. He didn't feel like eating my packed lunch of good old PB and J's. So I mentioned that there was a Culver's near by. He thought that sounded good because they have the BEST burgers. I told him he was getting a kids meal, he thought I was talking about little Ross. I said "No, because the kids meals are really big, plus you get custard with it all for under $5. So when I pulled up to the window I order a kids cheeseburger with everything on it with a Mt. Dew to drink ( I swear these people probably thought I was the worst parent) then I asked for an extra cup to divided the custard because it was for two boys, then to end the order I asked for two free waters." They were even kind enough to split the custard up for me. Now that is what I call a deal, Big Ross got the drink and burger, the boys got their treat, and I got the fries and water. I know I have managed to do cheaper things in my past but I thought this one was pretty good.


Suzanne said...

We just got a zoo pass so we'll have to go sometime. I've heard Culvers is good but I haven't tried it. I'll have to check it out. And, yes that is pretty cheap but I would do the same:) I tell my kids the reason we have nice things is because I'm cheap. They don't get it but it's the truth!

Amanda B. said...

That is awesome! That is the way to do it! :) I try to do similar things. Culvers is yummy- but expensive! It is good to be cheap there.

Lindsay Edward said...

That is sweet! I love being creatively thrifty. We're 2 peas in a pod. I love you haha

everyday katie said...

Thanks so much for calling yesterday. I can't even tell you how much it really lifted my spirits. I was having an awful day and was way past cranky. After an hour of locking the kids out of my room for a little girl talk, I finished up my day in a MUCH better mood. I needed it.

Miss you!

Kelly said...

I have never eaten there- I will so have to give it a go- we are so cheap that we don't ever order kids meals- we make them eat from the dollar menu and then share that too!! What mean parents we are!