Sunday, January 1, 2012


As the year 2011 came to an end I almost had this sense of guilt come over me. I could see my lack of motivation fall to the wayside. I believe this in part is do to my desire for another child. All I could think about was this little baby that I wanted. I would sit and google baby names and their meanings, write them out on scrap pieces of paper. While letting all my motivation go and the addition to drugs that made my hormones go crazy I gained a significant amount of weight. I could not believe how good I looked when I did the half marathon in May 2010. Now I am back to the same Abbey before I started to train. 2011 allowed for many fun memories of course most all of them included my children. I enjoyed my last moments at home with Rossi before sending him off to school. Annie grew into more of a firecracker and I am enjoying every moment with her. So, with this little brief or background on my feelings about 2011 I would like to state my goals for the 2012 year.

For the year of 2012, I am going to turn my thoughts closer to the Lord putting my trust in Him. I am still going to continue to do fertility treatments but I am not going to let it control my every moment. I will know regardless of the outcome that it is His will and not mine. I will pray daily for strength to get me through this test in my life. While this is one of my focuses I know that I need to be HOME more. I also realized that in 2011 instead of being home doing the things that I needed to do to "keep" my home I would run the other way. I spent the last day of the year getting my house clean so I could start with a clean slate for the 2012 year. My biggest example of a clean home was my friend Katie. She always seems to have this great schedule and every time I see her house it is most always kept. So, maybe the underlining solution for me is to have better time management. So now I am going to list the things I feel need to be included in a daily schedule: 1. morning personal prayer 2. scripture study 3. morning prayer with the family 4. exercise 5. shower 6. one on one time with each child 7. 20 minutes a day to spend with my husband 8. 1 hour of house work 9. personal time for myself which means start reading again 10. Have better quality dinners, with this being said make out dinner menus like I use to do. 11. Have evening prayers with my family plus scriptures time. 12. Have my bedtime prayers
13. get at least 8 hours of sleep. No more staying up being stagnant on FACEBOOK when I can be sleeping. 14. Write down at least one thing you loved about each child for the day.

There it is, I am not setting goals to lose weight but I am wanting to get into a better mental state. So, I think if I can do this other things should fall into place.

Here's to a new year and starting over.


Kelly said...

Great resolutions!! I love them and I am working on several of them too! Here's to a fabulous 2012!!

Holyriver said...

Very nice blog.
Happy new year to you from Italy.