Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Welcome back, Bully

There are so many silly antics about a Bulldog and we are so happy to have another bulldog in the home. We had no idea that we were missing so much until Winston came into our home. Yes we changed his name to Winston.

Here are a few of the things we were missing: the cute little wiggly butt, the snorting which sounds like a pig, the snoring which is always calming, the drool, big wet kisses and the pure laziness. Sounds like a dream Huh?

Little Ross is a little confused, he keeps calling him Lilley. He is so excited to have him in our home. The best thing little Ross can go near Winston without the fear of him getting his arm ripped off.

One thing that we didn't miss the stink of the bulldog which is displayed below.

Baxter was a little unsure of him but now they run for hours in the back yard. What a relief!!!

How cute is that face?


everyday katie said...

have they ruined your fun tunnel?

You're crazy. You seriously like snoring dogs?

Kelly said...

Wow- Baxter is HUGE!! Your house always looks fun!...the markers included!
Annie is so precious and gorgeous- watch out when she gets older!!