Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Gentle GIANT

Okay, so a lot of people say that Dobermans are very Gentle. Maybe someone should have told Baxter that, Reese has been in a cast for the past two weeks because Baxter rolled over top of him crushing his back leg. With the amount of money we have poured into this little guy, I could have had another Bulldog. That is okay though because Reese has the sweetest face. He is do to get it off next week, I cant wait since the cast drags through all his potty and it stinks.


everyday katie said...

Is it weird that I think that is cute? Sad, but cute. He really does have a sweet face. Poor guy.

Kelly said...

Second all that Katie said!!

Amanda B. said...

Oh, the poor guy- how sad but sweet! I hope he heals quickly!