Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Its Official

Its Official I am a garbage digger or dumpster diver, I saw this frame and it was screaming my name to save it from a life in the landfill. So, after picking Jacob up from school I jumped out of my van to its rescue. At the end of my hall I had this iron hanging and just thought the frame gave it a different look. So, you tell me how does it look because Ross wont say anything, I think he is embarrassed that I took it out of someones trash.


everyday katie said...

That is a great frame. I love that it's square and turned out to be the perfect size.

On my walk this morning someone had thrown out a REALLY NICE kitchen table with a broken leg...but the leg was still there. It would be such an easy fix. I booked it home as fast as I could go but I was on a really long walk. It took me 25 minutes to get home and I hopped straight in the car to head back to get the table. Some one else already took it. I am still so sad. It was SO NICE.

Anyway, I am SO not above dumpster diving. We have a nice ironing board that Spencer carried home while walking chief one day.

Kelly said...

I love that, Abbey!! What a perfect spot for it- and tell Ross that someone's trash can be your treasure and there's no shame in that game!! Love it!
We once rescued kitchen chairs out of our neighbor's garbage when we move here- but soon we found out why they pitched them- they broke when I sat on one and then my mother in law! Thankfully no one was hurt! Cheap!
BUt we also have 2 shelving units I use for our food and they were total trash picked!