Friday, January 18, 2008

All About "Cash"

This week doesn't even compare to last weeks. I have just had the time to enjoy little Ross and Big Ross. Little Ross is still a hand full but what two year old isn't. Did I ever mention how much my son Loves Johnny Cash? He will demand to listen to "The Ring of Fire" every moment of the day. If we are on the computer it is playing, if he has a choice of what to play over the TV it is that CD, or when he is going to sleep it is playing or he is singing it. Wednesday night I heard him jumping on his bed signing "Down, down, down" he says the ring of fire part but it is not clear at all. As much as Ross and I love Johnny Cash this song is starting to get old. We are hoping that he will learn to "Walk the Line" or something.


everyday katie said...

Atleast it's not the Wiggles. Plus I think that's so cute.

Kelly said...

Katie is right- I love that they love music so much! Celeste's favorite right now is "Sleigh Ride" from the Osmonds'- I'd give anything to not hear that again until next Christmas- I have Dana's dad to thank for that! By the way, thanks for the info about the fleas- I am going to talk to my vet about it, but for now, we are doing so much better!!

Autumn said...

Hehe! When you said "all about cash" I was thinking you were going to have something about money. That's cute that he has music preferences!