Saturday, March 22, 2008

Coloring Eggs

Today, was a fun day for little Ross. He got to color eggs for the first time. It was such an experiment we let him mix the food coloring, vinegar, and water. He really enjoyed doing that. Then when I brought out the eggs he couldn't believe his eyes. He just had so much fun dropping the eggs in all the different colors. While dropping them he managed to crack all them so they had some pretty cool designs on them. His hands were completely black. Big Ross was not to thrilled about that so he made him use a spoon but by that point it was already a done deal, so I didn't see the need for a spoon. Keep in mind Ross and I are two totally different personalities. I think the messier the better while Ross cannot stand getting messy at all. I am happy to say that little Ross takes after me. When I get the film developed I will post the coloring experience.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

i don't love coloring eggs, I leave that for Grandma till they are old enough to not make a mess- I have a while to go...I do love how cute they decorate them, and I bought an egg holder this year for next year's eggs that perhaps I will attempt...nah...well, ya never know!!