Friday, March 28, 2008

Week of fun

So this week was a bundle of fun.

Monday: I got to spend it cleaning the house up with my husband. That Easter Bunny sure left a mess behind. I had three loads of dishes to run through the dishwasher. Thank Goodness for modern technology. I then got to go over to Lisa Sherman's house and sew curtains for Ross' room. It was fun but I sure miss my time with Katie and her teaching me how to sew. The positive note it has taught me to go out of my comfort zone. The other positive I am getting to learn more about other sisters in the ward.

Tuesday: A fun but busy day. My dad brought up Annie's dressers. They are so pretty however someone painted these beautiful antiques!! Now I have no choice but to repaint over them. One day when we have the money I will get them refinished. But I think white dressers will look good in a little girls room.

My dear friend Amber also came up to spend the day with me. It was a lot of fun. We got to go out to lunch and Kohls. That is what I call a fun day out. We also got to go to Sonic during happy hour and get slushies half price. We then came home and we just spent some nice time watching our little ones play. The fun thing is she has an older boy that had a lot of fun wrestling little Ross. I really think my son is going to follow in his fathers footsteps and be a wrestler. I also enjoyed just sitting on the couch while Amber rubbed my belly and talked to Annie. I would have to say there isn't a whole lot of people I would feel comfortable doing that with but hey we have been friends since middle school and have been through a lot together.

Wednesday: Just a fun day at the chorus babysitting. I had some older kids this week because they were on spring break. Lets just say they were more than a joy to have in the classroom. One told me I was the "Superiest Meanest Person Ever!!" I said "Thank You I will take that title with honor. That is why I have my degree in Early Childhood, after five years of age and I am done.

Thursday: What a fun playgroup Delinda!!! I love getting out of the house. The best thing is the only payment is bringing food. That I can do if it will get me out of the house. I would have to say I was the first one there and one of the last ones out. My son was just to excited when I told him we were going to Ben's house. He has never gotten ready so fast. I also loved the fact that the majority of the women brought desserts. By the way Amanda loved your treat.

Friday: Nothing exciting.

Saturday: Was a blast I got to take two dogs to the vet and spend an arm and leg. I know I am crazy who would take two dogs at the same time to the vet while being almost 8 months pregnant me of course. I learned that both the dogs are over weight and fat. And here I thought I wasn't feeding them enough.

I also enjoyed going to Alex's baptism. It was so nice we a perfect seat in the back row. I really enjoyed the talks, The spirit was definitely there. Little Ross loved it too. When we got home he couldn't wait to tell Dadda all about the water. He even laid down on the floor to show what happened to Alex. Looks like I have six years to go until he gets to get in the water with his Daddy. Oh, Kelly I loved the refreshments too.

Sunday: Was a nice day but arent they always.


everyday katie said...

It's so fun that you still have a childhood friend that lives so close. I wish I could just call up a high school friend for shopping and some couch chatting time. Fun week.

Kelly said...

You seem to find the good in everyday- that is so admirable! I love the simplicty of life right now, though some days it seems not so, but you truly are sweet about it!