Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Can I just say I love this holiday. The biggest reason is because to me it is one of the most spiritual holidays. Growing up we always got the fun Easter baskets and Easter Egg hunts but I was raised to focus on the real reason for it. To me it is always a renewal in my Faith in Christ. What a wonderful thing He did for me and only He could do it. Now I am excited to raise my son with the same belief. I know right now he is just excited about the Easter Eggs and candy but I cant wait until he truly understands why we celebrate Easter. The day started off so nicely. Ross and I stayed up setting up the house for Little Ross. I even set his little pop up tunnel in the hallway and lined it with Easter eggs. When he came out of his room, his eyes were as big as golf balls. He just kept collecting the eggs and putting them in one big pile. He also enjoyed going through his basket and looking at his fun gardening tools. The only flop was the bubble maker. It didn't do what it was labeled to do and that was blow bubbles. It was upsetting because I was so excited to have a bubble blower. I am taking it back. Church was also nice, I really enjoyed everyone talks. The talks actually held my attention even though my son was completely wired on sugar. After, church we all came home and got to take a short nap. I also had to make my first Easter dinner. This was because Katie and Spencer have been feeding us the dinner since Ross and I have been married. I guess you could say it was a tradition. I almost called Katie and asked her what time dinner was but I didn't want to bother them. I tried to do what they usually did, However, we didn't have Spencer's homemade dinner rolls, mine were store bought. We didn't have the fun jello eggs mine were just squares. I did manage to make deviled eggs by myself and they weren't to bad. Lets just say I missed the Smith Dinner. I don't think I will ever match it.


Kelly said...

I know Katie was missing your family, too! I love Easter- love the reason and dressing in the very best clothes- such a spiritual day!

everyday katie said...

Now if our kids could just pick that up. Parker was talking about easter today...We were putting baskets and eggs and things away. We had a whole lesson on remembering the resurrection of Jesus. He actually got it this year. So he wanted to keep an egg out "to remember..." I was waiting for him to say Jesus, but no. "to remember the Easter Bunny and what he did for me." Oh our boys!

Suzanne said...

You are a fun Mommy! I agree, Easter is a great holiday. I like Christmas too because they both have a spiritual purpose and some fun traditions for the family to enjoy. Don't worry- my dinner roles were store bought too!!